Wednesday, March 5, 2014

New beginnings...I hope

As of two days ago, I have committed myself to a new business venture. Tammy is the name and direct sales is the game. Call me Tupperware Tammy. Cute tag lines? Let's hope someone gets a kick out of them. I need this to become my side gig. Lucrative side gig. Otherwise, hopes for me ever becoming financially independent will start to crumble.

The motivation for all this is one thing and one thing alone: building a happy life for me and my family. At the current time my immediate family consists of me and my fiancé. He is the love of my life and although our relationship is far from perfect, he means the world to me and I to him. We both grew up with a struggle of our own based in the structure of generational financial hardship. We don't want that for our children. He has two from a former marriage and he and his ex-wife do try to provide as much as they can to them but they could and should have so much more. I don't consider our future children as being second chances. More so round 2; and I want us to bang this round out as best as possible. But first we need the financial foundation, hence my strive for financial independence.

In an effort to stay true to myself and honest in all my actions, I will spend each opportunity I can documenting my progress on this mission. Daily spending will be tracked, efforts to minimize need for continuous spending will be reviewed regularly and hopefully all results of positivity will be BROADCASTED TO THE WORLD!!!

Until next time my readers. Happy saving!!!